Sunday, October 08, 2006

Try A ZineToday

I admit it. I have never read a zine before. But I have become very curious about this little niche in the universe of publishing since becoming an Etsy shopowner.

As near as I can tell, zines are self published little tomes that fall into many categories - comics, cookbooks, DIY info, art, fiction, non-fiction and even the rantings of folks who have something (and actually sometimes nothing) to get off their chests. Here are just a few randomly selected from my Etsy search:

The Big Exit by Sputnik Press, the story of what happens when nuring home patients get restless

Gas Tank by Gas Tank, a collection of vegan recipies

The Relishdress Reader by Relishdress, a monthly crafty zine

Zoombie Coloring Book by Pickled Punk, 20 pages of monsters for your viewing and coloring pleasure

Anon by 2 Little Wings, a zine of non sequitur thoughts, art, and collage

So, having admitted to never having read a zine, I cannot actually recommend any of the zines items I have just listed. But I am going to pick one of them and purchase it tonight and begin my foray into the world of zines. I encourage you to do the same.

1 comment:

groovyinclinations said...

Awesome blog!! I am aiming to feature Etsians too!